SILLY LOVE | Love's the stuff.
Burano, Venice / Italy · 2021
STRUGGLE TO SURRENDER | I've given up and I've given in more times than I care to admit, but I’ve always struggled to surrender to a life where every moment is just a layover to the next and the destination but a tale.
Cotopaxi / Ecuador · 2012
DARK SPARK | Nothing lights up my spark like the dark.
Montreal / Canada · 2020
SANDS OF MORNING TIME | Ever shifting to stay the same.
Namibia · 2017
SETTING MOM ON FIRE | Burn mother, one last time and then another. We won’t learn, we won’t turn, knocking on our self-made urn. And when we’re on your mantelpiece – inside the ruin we’re building a few steps down the road – will you miss us please?
Samos / Greece · 2021
GOOSEBUMPS OF OUR PRIME | Halfway there, halfway here, some road ahead, some in the mirror. Every fork the right way. No desert wasteland wasted on us. Passion reactors, fueled by horizon hopes and longings to linger, bound to burst but never today. Destination none. Freedom fever. Don’t need a thing, much less everything. Dreams yes, love perchance. Bright light leaving dark marks under our skin. Friendly risks, more firsts than lasts, pain painted over. Goosebumps of our prime.
Namibia · 2017
BLEACHED YESTERDAYS | Yesterday got old. It was time to bleach it. Putting on that same self the next day, it felt fresher.
Colonia del Sacramento / Uruguay · 2024
OUT THERE NOWHERE | Out there nowhere, nowhen, none the wiser. Still on a silverfish search for the soul of this place, feeling out the teeth of our cog in the grand machinery. But with eyes wide open, it is easy to see that there is no way around crossing these ever-so-endless tracks laid out for us. And that they have led away, not towards, all along. The promised land was never straight ahead, or west, but wherever our feet are pointing.
Bolivia · 2014