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let's hear it from the experts

young wisdom, pure wisdom

Fresh playdough at its most malleable, we’re formed into our rough shape early on. Our material’s formula and general attributes are our unchangeable nature, the sculpting is in nurture’s hands. And hopefully we are in good hands there, because as the dough hardens with the years, reshaping gets more and more difficult.






sun day

when the sun says hey, it’s a new shiny day

That burning wrecking ball in the sky won’t get us for another 277,035,000,000,000 days.






it’s with plants that I dance

green moves me the right way

There are shrubs that I want to move into and trees that I don't want to climb down from for a million years.






believe it or not

it’s whatever you believe, Steve

Maybe God is dead. Or maybe God is God. Or maybe God is an AI. Probably none of the above. Probably one or none of the many other things I can imagine: energy, coincidence, aliens, etceteras. And whatever you say goes too, Drew. Your believe, your perception, your reality, your choice.






what the road wrote

something to write home about

Can't spell travel without ravel, but the same hods true for gravel, so I don't know where that leaves us.

Like lines?
Wait till you see them in passages.


SOULSCAPES | These indescribable feelings. There are these indescribable feelings in me. Soulscapes nobody can follow me to. Where even I see nothing but a benevolent blur. These feelings are unreactive noble gases, eluding memories, places, and colors alike. A destinationless, orgiastic mix of what I don’t know. You know?


Thailand · 2023

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