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new year, newer life

what to do with this 2025

What's the difference between Dec 31 and Jan 1? None really when your hangover puts NYE's symbolism into sober perspective. The old year's baggage isn't really gone. But when you drop it somewhere in the dark just before midnight, the future feels fresher.


2024 was a bit of a year for me, professionally and personally. CNN recently mentioned my little stunt among 2024’s biggest art controversies, but the stunt that life pulled with me at the same time was no less consequential.


The lessons 2024 has re-taught me in detention – this time with a sledgehammer – have become my resolutions for 2025. They are as deeply personal as they are widely universal, so help yourself to some if you like, by reading on:

  1. Look for your happiness here and now, not then and there.

  2. Don't let your far-stretched longings thin out your appreciation for what you got.

  3. Plans are shams. Envision, strive, but don't overengineer tomorrow. Survival is adaptation.


my 5 minutes of fame on the big screen

In December, I was invited to the premiere of the excellent French documentary "Le Choc des Photos" in Paris. Directed by Marjory Déjardin, it traces the evolution of photojournalism and envisions its future with a particular focus on the work of Paris Match, considered one of the world's leading outlets for photojournalism. I'm extremely humbled to be included in it with an interview, alongside photographers and journalists who do incredible and important work.

If you feel like coughing up € 1,99 to watch a documentary that is entirely in French except for my 5 minute interview, you can find it on M6's streaming platform.


hey, trivia isn't trivial

When F L A M I N G O N E went viral last year, it mostly slipped one European country's attention. Apparently, that makes for good trivia questions in:

A)     Austria

G)    Germany

S)    Switzerland

Take a wild guess and find the solution below.

You guessed it. Or you didn't. The fact remains: the completely right, meticulously correct answer, is Germany.


FLAASHed by this fantastic art magazine

I'm very excited that FLAASH magazine's current issue includes an essay I wrote, alongside some of my works.

Take a peek:


Would Factual Politics Be So Crazy?

Could our leaders maybe mislead us just a little less?

"Why do we let those in the highest offices walk all over the lowest bars?" Check out my latest essay and share it around if you feel like politics could use a factlift.


and then

My roadmap for 2025 is neither much of a road nor much of a map. But as I'm inching towards that blur of a horizon, I'm starting to make out the shape of the Americas. In the meantime, I'm thrilled to be part of the European Month of Photography in Berlin. More on that next time.

So long,


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