press & publications
My creative pursuits are my lifeblood, but it doesn't hurt to spill some. I've had the good fortune to leave little blotches across hundreds of international features.

Directed by Marjory Déjardin, the French documentary film LE CHOC DES PHOTOS: 75 YEARS OF PHOTOJOURNALISM traces the evolution of documentary photography and envisions its future with a particular focus on the work of Paris Match, considered one of the world's leading outlets for photojournalism. I'm extremely humbled to be included in it with an interview, alongside photographers and journalists who do incredible and important work.
Nat Geo
"We looked for images of beauty and power, featuring places that changed your outlook on the world"
My image "swing state" was selected by National Geographic as a finalist for a cover of Nat Geo Traveler.

My FORTUNE commentary discusses the impact of AI for photographers, creatives, and the art world.
The Guardian
"Photographer takes on the machines in AI competition – and wins"
After winning two AI awards in a prestigious photo competition, my real picture F L A M I N G O N E went viral with hundreds of international features and millions of social media interactions.

"...the most brilliant idea..."
French art magazine FLAASH is a work of art itself, which is why I'm humbled to have several of my works featured alongside an essay I wrote in the N°05 issue.

My work has been featured in the both the 2023 and the 2024 edition of the KAAF catalogue in the street photography and black and white sections respectively.
Speaking to CBS about the merit of human creativity and the perils of AI imagery for their latest news segment, CBS confirmed.
imagery for institutions, news outlets, and brands
My imagery has also supported media articles, reports, and other materials from global institutions like the UN, Freedom House, and Social Europe to news outlets like NBC, Bloomberg, and Forbes, to companies like Expedia, Booking, and Lonely Planet.